Thompson Island

New York State | USA

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  • Größe18,2 hectares
  • Preis
    • USD 3.495.000
    • EUR 3.335.560
    • GBP 2.775.853
    • CAD 4.955.308
    • SEK 37.506.707
    • CHF 3.149.436
    • AUD 5.508.344
    • BRL 20.055.723
    • NZD 6.121.420
    • FJD 7.938.633
    • CNY 25.397.289
    • RUB 390.930.994
    • NOK 38.864.280
    • XPF 398.866.291
  • LageNorthumberland
  • Land/Staat New York State
  • Region USA

This Hudson River Private Island offers a rare, once in a lifetime chance to acquire a unique natural wonder in upstate New York. Nestled in the Hudson Valley between the Adirondacks to the west and the Green Mountains of Vermont to the east is this nearly one mile long private Island with a stunning stone house, horse barns, training track, private ferry, with acres of pastures surrounded by hand split Locust rail fencing and a forest of ancient trees.

Anyone can build a forty five thousand square foot mansion but only Mother Nature can build a forty five acre island in the Hudson River only ten miles from the City of Saratoga Springs, New York. Perfect for nature lovers, horse lovers or a unique private retreat. 




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