Zama Caye

Belize | Zentralamerika

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  • Größe1,62 ha
  • Preis
    • USD 4.000.000
    • EUR 3.819.345
    • GBP 3.175.021
    • CAD 5.675.929
    • SEK 42.837.773
    • CHF 3.605.462
    • AUD 6.285.114
    • BRL 22.822.878
    • NZD 6.975.270
    • FJD 9.090.041
    • CNY 29.052.230
    • RUB 447.631.051
    • NOK 44.462.905
    • XPF 456.717.273
  • LagePlacencia
  • Land/Staat Belize
  • Region Zentralamerika

“ZAMA CAYE Belize” is an exciting new offering. It is a very unique tropical private island that is situated not far from the southernmost point of the 16-mile-long, well-known beach resort town of Placencia in southern Belize.

The surrounding waters are perfectly transparent and have amazing living coral and marine life. A true haven for snorkelers! If you like lobster, you can simply go into the water in the appropriate season and catch your own, or you can board a boat and capture the day’s catch of fish.

A tropical island with beautiful beaches and lush vegetation. An extremely uncommon chance for a resort developer, or just a treasured family legacy.





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