Ailsa Craig

Grossbritannien | Europa: Atlantik

Die einzige Insel, die jemals olympisches Gold gewann!

An iconic island lying in the outer Firth of Clyde, 10 miles off the shore. Home to the world's best known Curling Stone Quarry. Annual rental of £26,000. One attractive cottage and three former cottages.

Ailsa Craig is formed from a volcanic plug from a long extinct volcano believed to be over 500million years old. It is an archetypal island mountain; a symmetrical cone of primitive rock thrusting from the sea 10 miles west of the south Ayrshire coastline and a symbol great natural grandeur.

It extends to about 2 miles in circumference and rises to an elevation of over 1100 feet above the sea.

Alisa Craig is known particularly for two main assets. Firstly, it is the breeding ground for one of the largest colonies of gannets in the world and secondly it contains a most important 'blue hone' granite quarry, known the world over as the source of granite for curling stones. The lighthouse was built in 1883-6 by Thomas Stevenson.

There is a delightful small cottage at the foot of the cliff on the east side and a ruined castle approximately 60 metres up the path.

Ailsa Craig is for sale for the first time in many generations.

• 2 bedrooms
• Coastal
• Fishing
• Waterside
• Freehold

Ailsa Craig lies approximately 10 miles off the Ayrshire Coast. Known as "Paddy's milestone" its sits approximately half way between Glasgow and Belfast. To get to Ailsa Craig it is possible to hire a private boat from Girvan or land a helicopter.

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