Killean & Dalmore Farms

Grossbritannien | Europa: Atlantik

Killean and Dalmore Farms are presently run as part of a larger in-hand farming operation on the Killean Estate. The farms are being offered to the market as two lots separately from the wider estate, as described below. Killean Farm is equipped with a relatively new range of modern buildings and there is a secondary range of buildings and a farmhouse at Dalmore.

In total the two farms extend to around 445 acres including 121 acres of silage ground, 208 acres of permanent pasture and a further 45 acres of rough grazing; the remainder is mainly beaches, buildings and woodland. Stocking is based around a commercial beef herd and a small herd of pure bred Highland cattle. There is also a flock of breeding ewes which is divided between an in-bye flock of mainly Texel and Cheviots.

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