Quiros Island

Panama | Zentralamerika

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  • Größe1,4 ha
  • Preis
    • USD 999.800
    • EUR 954.190
    • GBP 794.077
    • CAD 1.417.544
    • SEK 10.729.386
    • CHF 900.946
    • AUD 1.575.749
    • BRL 5.737.257
    • NZD 1.751.129
    • FJD 2.270.972
    • CNY 7.265.296
    • RUB 111.831.991
    • NOK 11.117.742
    • XPF 114.102.008
  • LagePerlas Archipel
  • Land/Staat Panama
  • Region Zentralamerika

Buy an island with different fruit trees thanks to volcanic rock

Buy an island located near Isla Viveros in the Pearl Islands archipelago. This beautiful private island comprises an area of about 3.5 acres and is flat terrain with productive soil on top of huge amounts of dark volcanic rock (almost black). Because of the volcanic rock the island is entirely covered with trees, with most on the outer fringes being coconut palms. Other trees include native trees of significant girth (perhaps half a meter in diameter) and height (some up to fifteen meters). There are also many fruit trees such as lime, mango, orange, and avocado.

Aside from the different fruit trees the island offers rocky shores with some sandy beach areas at lowering tides and there is good anchorage, in the lee of the island and the extensive (over 120 meters) sand bar.




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