Islands for Sale in South America


Including Brazillian islands for sale as well as other private islands in South America

Most of the region's private islands are located in Brazil, Argentina and to a lesser extent in Chile. Islands elsewhere in South America are usually unappealing because of the heat and humidity. Most privately-owned Brazilian islands lie south of Rio de Janiero, with prices ranging from USD 250,000 to several million dollars. Islands further north in Brazil tend to have extreme temperatures. Because of restrictions for foreigners buying offshore properties, it is important to seek expert advice.

Argentinian islands are found mainly in the lakes west of Buenos Aires, but there are also a few offshore properties. The isIands of southern Chile are similar in climate to those of Canada, but towards Patagonia the infrastructure is undeveloped and prices of even the larger islands are lower, ranging from USD 35,000 to USD 600,000. Occasionally it is even possible to buy a several thousand acres at this price.

South America is a relatively dormant market for islands. Because of political, economic and social insecurity, demand in the region has fallen and prices have declined. Investors are cautious because of the inflationary tendencies of the local currencies. Many people therefore prefer to rent rather than buy. However with a little daring, especially in Brazil, favourable acquisitions can be made.




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